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Angel Cats: Divine Messengers of Comfort


Read the "Ask Cuddles" Column in Angel Cats


Read true stories about a feline friend with a "sixthsense" who intuitively comfort living and dying nursing home residents in Nashville.

Three healer cats help a man get his "purr" back after he collapses from exhaustion.

A cat named Pumpkin saved the life of a family during wartime and kept his promise to a dying mother to keep her daughter safe from harm.

A mother-daughter duo becomes kitty cardiologists and pacemakers who restart a woman's heart when it stops beating during the night.

Two playful sister cats coax a major league baseball outfielder through a losing season.

An intuitive cat gives healing massage to a breast cancer patient. And many more stories of cats bringing comfort to those who need it.

Meet Cuddles, the Andersons' cat who writes her own advice column, “Ask Cuddles” to let you in on secrets of what cats really think.

Angel Cats proves that cats are as compassionate as they are cautious. While dogs get more credit, cats have perennially proven themselves to be every bit the equal of their canine brethren as humankind's best friend. Angel Cats, inspired by a contest authors Allen and Linda Anderson ran to find the "Best Angel Cat" stories, shows the often-extraordinary ways in which these fascinating creatures respond to human need.

Interwoven with the stories are brief meditations as well as fun facts about cats. Did you know cats purr at the same frequency that increases bone density and strengthens and heals fractures? Can you understand why cats were revered as gods in ancient Egypt? (Cats still believe this!)



"I just finished reading, Angel Cats. I loved it! My children and I have three angel cats."
--Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Florida


"My IrishAmerican pen pal sent me Angel Cats. It was inspiring and delightful to read the letters from other readers. Well done and keep up the good work."
--Angela, Nottingham, England





Allen & Linda Anderson talk about Angel Cats





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A Dog Named Leaf:
The Hero from Heaven Who Saved My Life


Animals and the Kids Who Love Them


Dogs and the Women
Who Love Them


 Horses with a Mission:
Extraordinary True Stories of Equine Service


 Angel Animals Book of Inspiration: Divine Messengers of Wisdom and Compassion


Angel Dogs with a Mission: Divine Messengers in Service to All Life


Saying Good-bye to Your Angel Animals: Finding Comfort after Losing Your Pet


Angel Animals:
Divine Messengers of Miracles


 Angel Horses:
Divine Messengers of Hope


Saving Animals from Disaster


Angel Dogs:
Divine Messengers of Love


 Angel Cats:
Divine Messengers of Comfort


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