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with Allen and Linda Anderson


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Cats and Spiritual Prosperity
By Allen and Linda Anderson

Cats have been prosperous and poor. They have had the reputation of bringing luck and prosperity. Today, cats get chased away and pampered. It’s a wonder how they ever know whether their presence will be welcomed or dreaded. But somehow, they read the signals and act accordingly.

Prosperity is in the eye of the beholder. What one person thinks of as prosperous holds no interest for another. The following stories expand definitions of wealthy. Who wouldn’t agree that having a special cat makes a person much richer?

Joan Wood is a lifelong cat lover although she is pet-less at the moment. She is a born-and-raised Bostonian, grew up in a haunted house, and is a professional psychic, medium, and hypnotherapist. Joan wrote the story below about a gray tiger cat of less than five pounds who joined her family.

We heard Tiger Cat meowing all the way up to the top floor of our city tenement, on a winter day, in the middle of a snowstorm. When we called to the tiny, little, gray kitten, she bounded up all three long flights of stairs to reach our floor. It was the beginning of a twenty-one-year relationship.

Tiger was one of the most affectionate cats I’ve ever seen and was very loving and protective, despite her tiny size. She became particularly attached to my mother, Marie Wood, who had a life-long love and communication with animals of all kinds.

When Tiger died, my grief-stricken mother insisted we bury her in a tiny homemade casket. We lived in the city and couldn’t afford a plot in the pet cemetery, which was too far away. Around one o’clock in the morning, we buried Tiger in a little grave, in a secluded area, of a remote semi-suburban park, near where I lived. My mother was pretty devastated by her loss.

About three months later, as I walked past the park, I noticed that there was some construction going on not too far from Tiger’s grave. I grew concerned that the construction workers might find and disturb Tiger’s gravesite but said nothing to my mother. I didn’t want to upset her.

Soon after, I went to my mother’s house and was sitting down with her. Out of the blue, she said to me that she’d had a dream about Tiger recently. In the dream Tiger had said, “Mommy, the men are working near my grave, and I’m afraid they’re going to bother it. My mother asked if something was happening near Tiger’s grave.

I had to fess up and admit that Tiger’s grave was in some jeopardy and told Mother about the construction going on around it. I assured her that I would keep an eye on it. Fortunately the construction workers never came close enough to the grave to discover it. Tiger’s little remains are still there in our homemade casket, surrounded by all the trinkets she loved in life.

What I love about this experience is that it is what Spiritualists call evidentiary, since there was no possible way that my invalid mother could have received this information except from her kit-ty. And the information was specific, indicating that Tiger was quite upset by what was going on near her grave.

Cats and Finding a Calling

What could be more prosperous than finding your calling in life? Danielle Thompson, a woman in her mid-twenties, lives in Darby, Pennsylvania. After she adopted a beautiful black cat named Gary, one thing led to another, and Danielle discovered a new purpose.

A woman I worked with helped me find Gary, and he became my best friend next to my mom. I went away to graduate school five hours from my hometown. I was very depressed and left a week into my third semester. I moved back in with Mom and Gary, and felt like a failure.

I had been going to school for most of my life and now, here I was at home again, working at a job I’d held during the summers of college. I looked into applying to another school closer to home but was very overwhelmed and needed a break. I felt so down and out; I wanted to do something that would make me happy. I enjoyed being with animals. So I began looking into volunteering at an animal shelter. But something held me back from putting in my application.

Since I would be home more, I began pushing the idea of adopting another cat. We decided we would leave it in God’s hands. If we found a cat who would love all of us, especially Gary, we’d know this was the one to come into our home.

One day we stopped to pick up kitty litter at the pet store. As usual, we went back to look at the cats who were being shown for adoption by a local animal rescue group. The volunteers asked if we would like to pet the cats. That had never happened before, so my mom and I excitedly answered yes.

As Mom walked in to see a gray cat who had interested her, another cat made me stop in my tracks. He was all white with an orange face and tail. I was unable to pass him. After the volunteer opened his cage, the cat was hesitant but after checking me out, he let me pet him. When I went to kiss him on the head, he rubbed up against my face and began purring. I immediately filled out an adoption application. I also picked up a volunteer application for this adoption agency.

Soon, we were approved for the adoption and went to the shelter to complete the process. I decided to call the kitty Bob after my favorite artist, Bob Dylan.

I brought with me the application I had filled out. That’s when I found out that the animal shel-ter where I had originally intend-ed to volunteer did euthanasia, which would have upset me very much. I also learned that this rescue group was in great need of volunteers. At their intake center, they house around forty cats who are not caged but allowed to roam around a building on the director’s property. If cats are not adopted, they live there until their natural death.

In the end finding Bob not only allowed me to add another member to our family, but also gave me the opportunity to pursue an activity that I had wanted to do. It saved me from volunteering at an animal shelter where I would have been unhappy.

Bob has added much to our little family. Gary loves him. The two cats play together and then fall asleep beside each other. Mom and I now have two boys who add love, laughter and happiness to our lives. I look forward to helping care for many cats and kittens who will add these things to other families the way that Bob and Gary have to mine.



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